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Research papers in peer-reviewed international journals

J. Quik, J. Meesters, A. Koelmans (2023). A multimedia model to estimate the environmental fate of microplastic particles. Science of the Total Environment 882.

T. Marin-Cudraz, E. Parizet, B. Bragado-Perez (2024). External tire noise: Determination of timbre parameters and unpleasantness factors, with a focus on truck tires. Applied Acoustics 2016.

B. Anantharamaiah, L. Fagerberg, U. Sandberg, H.-E. Hanson, J. Garcia (2024). Airless tires in the Leon-T project: how can they be modelled? SAE Technical Paper 2024-26-0375, DOI: 10.4271/2024-26-0375

B. Giechaskiel, T. Grigoratos, M. Mathissen, J. Quik, P. Tromp, M. Gustafsson, V. Franco, P. Dilara (2024). Contribution of Road Vehicle Tyre Wear to Microplastics and Ambient Air Pollution. Sustainability 16(2), 522.

B. Giechaskiel, T. Grigoratos, L. Li, S. Zang, B. Lu, D. Lopez, J. Garcia (2024). Tyre Wear under Urban, Rural, and Motorway Driving Conditions at Two Locations in Spain and China. Lubricants 12, 338.

B. Giechaskiel, T. Grigoratos, P. Dilara, V. Franco (2024)., Environmental and Health Benefits of Reducing Tyre Wear Emissions in Preparation for the New Euro 7 Standard. Sustainability 16, 10919.

Congress papers / presentations

Past Conferences :

T. Marin-Cudraz, E. Parizet, J.J. García. Espace acoustique perceptif des bruits de pneus. 16ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, (Marseille, France, Apr 2022). link

U. Sandberg. Airless tires: concepts, trials and potential performance. Tire Technology Expo. Held, (Hanover, Germany, May 2022). link

T. Marin-Cudraz, J.J. García, E. Parizet. Perceptual acoustic space of tyre noise. Internoise 2022 (Glasgow, United Kingdom, Aug 2022).  link

T. Martin-Cudraz, A. Genell, B. Bragado, J.J. Garcia, E. Parizet. Influence of various timbre parameters on the unpleasantness of tyre noise. 24th International Congress On Acoustics, (Gyeongju, South Korea, Oct. 2022).  link
Presentation available here

A. Genell, M. Smith, J.J. García. Synthesizing sound sources for traffic noise health impact assessment. 24th International Congress on Acoustics, (Gyeongju, South Korea, Oct. 2022). link
Presentation available here

P. Tromp, L. Parker, J. Esveld, A. van Renesse van Duivenbode, J. Quik. Environmental dispersion and fate of TWP in the environment: The LEON-T approach: towards reliable and comparable data. SETAC 33 (Dublin, Ireland, May 2023).

J. Meesters, J. Slootweg, J. Quik. Modelling the friction of vehicle tires to estimate emission of microplastics. SETAC 33 (Dublin, Ireland, May 2023).

M. Smith, A. Nause, L. Holmberg, K. Persson Waye, N. Vincens, B. Kessel, D. Zou, M. Basner, M. Younes, A. Genell. A laboratory study on the impact of tyre noise on sleep, cognition and blood metabolome. 14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (Belgrade, Serbia, June 2023). link

A. Hentschel, M. Kunze, S. Gramstat, T. Bachmann. Leon-T project: measurements of tyre particle emissions on a heavy duty vehicle. plus 2023 (Munich, Germany, June 2023).

U. Sandberg. Airless tires in the LEON-T project: How can they reduce tire/road noise emission. Internoise 2023 (Chiba, Japan, Aug. 2023). link

T. Marin-Cudraz, E. Parizet. Unpleasantness and annoyance of tyre noises. Forum Acusticum (Turin, Italy, Sept. 2023). link

A. Genell, M. Smith, J.J. Garcia. A synthesized road traffic noise scenario for health impact assessment. Forum Acusticum (Turin, Italy, Sept. 2023). link

M. Gustafsson, P. Tromp, N. Svensson. PM10 emissions from, and rubber content in, different tyre types in relation to rubber hardness. Transport and Air Pollution (TAP) Conference (Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept. 2023).

E. Parizet, T. Marin-Cudraz. Influence of tonality on the annoyance of tire exterior noise. 14th Aachen Acoustics Conference (Aachen, Germany, Nov. 2023). link to the presentation

B. Anantharamaiah, L. Fagerberg, U. Sandberg, H.E. Hansson, J.J. Garcia. Airless tyres in the LEON-T project: How can they be modelled? Symposium on International Automotive Technology SIAT 2024 (Pune, India, Jan. 2024).

J. Garcia. LEON-T : Low particle Emissions and lOw Noise Tyres. RTR 2024 : European Conference on Results from Research Projects on Road Transport, (Brussels, Feb. 2024)  link to the presentation

L. Parker, P. Tromp. Dispersion and Fate of TRWPs in Roadside Soils. International Micro and Nanoplastics in Soil Conference (Utrecht, Netherlands, March 2024).

J. Garcia, B. Anantharamaiah, L. Fagerberg, H. Hanson. Leon-T project: modelling the performance of an airless truck tyre prototype analyzing stiffness with FEA. Tire Technology Expo 2024 (Hamburg, Germany, March 2024) link to the presentation

U. Sandberg, H. Hanson. Leon-T project: airless truck tires – first prototype. Tire Technology Expo 2024 (Hamburg, Germany, March 2024) link to the presentation

J. Meesters, J. Quik, A. Hids, Y. Mellink, J. Slootweg, T. Grigoratos, B. Giechaskiel, S. Gramstat, D. Lopez, J. Garcia. Application of the abrasion coefficient as measure for tyre wear and microplastics emission modelling. SETAC EU 2024 (Sevilla, Spain, May 2024).

A. Genell, M. Smith, J. Garcia. A Synthesized Airless Tyre Traffic Sound Scenario For Health Impact Assessment. Internoise 2024 (Nantes, France, August 2024).

Communication to ICBEN 2023

ICBEN (Congress of Noise as a Public Health Problem) is a major conference in the field. The 14th edition will

LEON-T is on Researchgate!

We are happy to announce that LEON-T has a page on Researchgate in the form of a lab: Researchgate

Presenting the project

LEON-T partners will prepare peer-reviewed publications and other scientific reports, aiming at publishing them at relevant chemical, environmental and health